My returning guest this week is Stephanie Lepp (@stephlepp), a conceptual artist and the incoming executive director at the Institute for Cultural Evolution. We discuss her recent project, Deep Reckonings, a series of videos using deep fake technology to imagine what it would look like if famous individuals apologized for harms they've caused.
Note: We recorded this episode twice in an attempt to have a productive conversation worth listening to. While I believe this final version is worth listening to, we ultimately disagreed on one editing issue.
Deep Reckonings:
Convocation: Bell Hooks
Music by GW Rodriguez
Sibling Pods:
Philosophers in Space:
Filmed Live Musicals Pod:
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Recent appearances: Had several recent appearances you should check out!
I was on The Podcaster's Guide to The Conspiracy talking about philosophy of conspiracism:
I was on Dan Norton's YouTube show discussing free will and luck:
Coming soon: QED videos!
Next Episode: Deep Reckonings with Stephanie Lepp