We made it! We achieved a major arbitrary numeric goal! So glad to be celebrating with my guest this week, fellow philosophy twitter fiend Nathan Oseroff- Spicer, who joins me to discuss the darker sides of philosophy twitter before succumbing to our realism lightening round. Definitely follow him if you're not already: @nathanoseroff
Invocation: The Power by Naomi Alderman
If you enjoy the show and want to celebrate our 100th birthday, please Like and Review us on your pod app, especially iTunes. It really helps!
Editing by Brian Ziegenhagen, check out his pod: http://youarehere.libsyn.com/s02e02-rex-manning-day?fbclid=IwAR2L2_YIJvQpcw0nx6nTSfz0GmyJ1DtWsF--vvdI9W1ug3XW7IAtU6dQ36s
Music by GW Rodriguez
Sibling Pod Philosophers in Space: https://0gphilosophy.libsyn.com/
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Next Week: An argument for Panpsychism with Hunter Ash