This week’s episode is a peek into one of the incredible groups in Soaring Mothers Society. They were the first women to go through the Made To Soar: Next 90-Days program in 2020, and we’ve been meeting every month for the last two years to do monthly planning and reviews together.
The transformation and growth of these women is incredible, and it was a real treat to take a few minutes to celebrate their journeys and growth in household management, family relationships, strengthening community, completing projects, and growing businesses.
The secret has been consistently taking baby steps and having people to celebrate with along the way.
Here is the experience one of the members has had:
“Before I got the Thriving in Motherhood Planner and joined the Next 90-Days Course, I lacked clarity. The first time I went through the Create Your Vision Challenge, my word for the year was clarity. We had no structure in our days, no routines, no systems in our house, and my wheels were spinning. I wasn’t moving forward on anything.
The Thriving in Motherhood Planner, Next 90-Days Course, and Soaring Mothers Society have taught me how to get the clarity I needed and take action to figure all those things out. Now on my good days, I feel like I’m thinking about what God wants me to do with my life instead of what I want to do with my life.”
-Makenzie Schmitt
As we begin this new year, if you want support figuring out practical ways to organize your life and make progress on the things that matter to you, check out the Your Next 90-Days program here.
We’d love to support you in creating a life you are excited to wake up to!