Do you have a hard time creating a vision of what you want for your motherhood to look like? Or do you feel united in goals with your spouse? A few weeks ago, Andrew and I brainstormed a list of things we could take a risk on.
We defined risk as anything that puts us out of our comfort zone - which conveniently puts us in our learning zone as well. It was a fascinating experience and uncovered a lot of things for us.
What you might uncover when you write a risk list:
Things that are stressing you out that you are avoiding or procrastinating on
Things that you feel like you should be doing but are not
Things you want to do but haven’t taken action on
Personal goals or dreams
family goals or dreams
My husband and I were really informal in our risk list discussion. We just started each sentence by saying, “We could take a risk and…”.
At first, we shared things that were top of mind and stressing us out. We progressed on to things we want to try with our family, personal goals we have, habits we want to develop, and things we’ve been talking about doing but haven’t taken any action on. Then it progressed into dreams and ideas that would be a few years in the making.
Once we called out these ideas as a risk, it made it seem less scary and impossible. It also gave us a chance to evaluate if we actually want to do these things or if they are just sneaky “shoulds” that we can let go of.
For me labeling things like creating a bathroom cleaning schedule as a risk adds an element of fun to the situation. It becomes a challenge, something I can approach with curiosity and experiment to find out what works. If it’s a risk, it’s okay to try and fail. It also gets me unstuck in waiting for everything to be perfect and helps me take baby steps forward.
Watch this week’s episode to find out more about what we discovered from this process and what you can learn by doing it for yourself.
If you feel like you don’t have the time or energy to even think about doing something new or different, check out my free workshop, 3 Secrets to Do More of What You Love Without Hiring a Babysitter.