What Happens When You Cross A Therapist and An Auctioneer? OTDM episode 104
Kati's new book TRAUMATIZED is available for order in print, ebook & audiobook. Get your copy today! https://geni.us/Bfak0j
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The audio version of Opinions That Don't Matter https://opinonsthatdontmatter.buzzsprout.com/
Ask Kati Anything! (2nd podcast) audio: https://askkatianything.buzzsprout.com/
Amazon Suggestions: https://www.amazon.com/shop/katimorton
Online Therapy
Kati does not currently offer online therapy. Her sponsor BetterHelp can connect you with a licensed, online therapist. Now available worldwide - https://betterhelp.com/kati
Kati TikTok @Katimorton Instagram @katimorton
Sean TikTok @hatori_seanzo Instagram @seansaintlouis
Linnea Toney linnea@underscoretalent.com
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