Opinions That Don't Matter! Ranked #16 In Luxembourg on Apple Podcast Leisure :) MERCI!
Schitt's Creek Final Season Binge-Watching on Netflix
Is Peacock from NBC worth it?
Cut the CABLE cord and 1000 more will spring up where the old one was…
Everything you need to know about about Lithuania
The time P!nk and Kati did yoga together
Russia & China’s ambitions
The story behind Here I Go Again - Whitesnake
A Long-Covid experience & our limited knowledge of stem cell research
The curious case of a Stolen Baby Penguin
Forever Unclean - Baby Jeffrey & The League on Netflix
Sean confesses to falling for an online scam…
Instagram advertising
Frying Pan Talk with Kati & Sean… Feel the Sizzle
Non-Stick vs Carbon Steel
Stooky Bill - the first testing of broadcast television from John Baird
Slovakia... the holidays and amazing foods!
Geography NOW!
A sauna elevator is next level…
Sean hesitantly rejoins the Apple Cult... his Google Pixel 4A phone died and is to be replaced by the Apple Pro Max 12
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The video version of Opinions That Don't Matter
Ask Kati Anything! (2nd podcast)
audio: https://askkatianything.buzzsprout.com/
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TikTok @hatori_seanzo
Instagram @seansaintlouis
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