Opinions That Don't Matter, the only weekly podcast that matters. In this episode, we talk about CBD and the power of suction! Kati and Sean share their experience with CBD and injuries. They also share some gardening tips and life updates! If you're looking for something to watch on CBD, this is the episode for you! Kati and Sean from OTDM share their experience with CBD and how it has helped them in their lives. They also discuss how Dyson Vacuums work, how to garden, and more! So sit back, relax, and enjoy this CBD- packed episode! (AI generated episode description :P)
• CBD & The Power Of Suction
• Fix it in post • Joe Cool the Camel - The Big Tobacco industry subliminal messages in advertising and Disney movies such as Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Lion King…
Health updates:
• Post surgery healing, and prognosis.
• Sore back, possibly from office chairs
• The importance of massage in healing and feeling good
• Sean finds a PAIN RELIEF SOLUTION for his arthritis / hallux limitus/rigidus. Over the past year, the pain has become somewhat debilitating and in an effort to ease the pain, he is using CBD. Enter, Pure Spectrum.Sean’s routine this month… Morning: Pure Spectrum Vibrance Tincture Evening: Pure Spectrum Tranquil Tincture
US THE DISCOUNT CODE: OTDM FOR 15% Off ALL ORDERS https://www.purespectrumcbd.com/
Article on CBG that is quite interesting…. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8467477/
Studio update: we’ve sprung a leak! The direction of this podcast for 2023! Gardening… plants that fruit Is Monsanto a Good Company or a Bad Company? Big Tobacco creates the food you eat - Addicting Consumers Without Them Knowing it… processed goods loaded with chemicals and additives masquerading as food: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IiHHgZx5IZ8
Talking about Iron Lungs & Michael Jackson Puppy parlance… Roxy makes a new friend? The Gift of Suction! The sexiest gift to my wife is… The Dyson mega suck. It found a lot of dirt and a giant feather!
Funny family members: The memory of Sean’s aunt Margy telling him a funny joke when I was a kid… The Plot of Gardening is… the plot
Mulberry Bush: www.fastgrowingtrees.com
Tom calls back. Colloquialism & escaping a stalker - VW Correspondent
Canning, garden peppers a side of beef Pennsylvania Dutch staples & kind words! - Rachel a freshly minted Pennsylvania Dutch Correspondent!
Kati escapes from a potential suitor…
Amazon Suggestions https://www.amazon.com/shop/katimorton
BUSINESS Linnea Toney linnea@underscoretalent.com