E169: How to Follow Through When You Forget About Your Goal: Goal Setting with ADHD Part 3
Episode description
When you have ADHD, you often know what you should do and why you should do it. And yet, you still don’t do it. Ugh.
This week on the podcast, I’m sharing a mini-series on Goal Setting with ADHD. But I’m not talking about the usual advice about consistency and breaking it down into steps. You’ve heard all that before. We’re talking about how to make Goal Setting an ADHD-friendly process.
Today is Part 3, following through on your goals. When you tend to forget about the goal you set, how on earth can you stick to it? Here's the answer.
If you haven’t already listened, go back two episodes and listen to Parts 1 and 2 about planning when you’re not good at planning, and finding your motivation.
Part 1 - Episode 167: How to Make a Plan When You Stink at Planning: Goal Setting with ADHD Part 1
Part 2 - Episode 168: How to Find Your Motivation When You Just Don’t Want to Do The Thing: Goal Setting with ADHD Part 2
Stay tuned for putting it all together tomorrow.
It is possible to learn how to set a goal, like planning your week, and achieve it, even with ADHD. For the accompanying questions for this mini-series, download the worksheet at patriciasung.com/adhd-goal-setting