Today, our host, Samantha Michaele, is speaking with Dr. Lia Nower, who directs the Center for Gambling Studies. Dr. Nower is also a Distinguished Professor and serves as Associate Dean for Research for the school. A clinician and attorney, she specializes in gambling disorder and related harm and co-directs the Rutgers Addiction Counselor Training Certificate (ACT) Program, which provides training toward licensure in drug and alcohol counselors.
Episode Disclaimer: This episode was recorded close to a year ago. It is important to recognize that some items and ideas may have shifted with the passage of time. The conversation is a representation of the time it was recorded. Conversation includes topics around mental health, gender expression and identity, and stressors associated with systemic discrimination. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker's own and do no represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Rutgers University.
To learn more about the Center for Gambling Studies visit: