Today, our host, Samantha Michaele, is speaking with Chiara Sabina, associate professor at Rutgers School of Social Work, Chancellor’s Scholar for Inclusive Excellence in Interpersonal Violence Research, and Associate Director of the Center for Research on Ending Violence. Dr. Sabina’s research centers on interpersonal victimization, especially intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and dating violence among Latine community members. Founded in 2007 at the Rutgers School of Social Work, the Center for Research on Ending Violence, or REV, strives to eliminate all forms of violence and the power imbalances that permit them. REV accomplishes their mission through a collaborative approach that focuses on multidisciplinary research, education, and community engagement.
Episode Disclaimer: This episode was recorded close to a year ago. It is important to recognize that some items and ideas may have shifted with the passage of time. The conversation is a representation of the time it was recorded. Conversation includes topics that may be activating or sensitive for listeners. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speaker's own and do not represent the views, thoughts, and opinions of Rutgers University or Rutgers School of Social Work.
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