Jambeaux! Harambe! Welcome to this special edition of the Magic Our Way podcast. We are a New Orleans based Disney fan podcast. We appreciate your listening to our show and taking the time to allow us to discuss our thoughts. We also appreciate your feedback and are committed to listening to our audience. This is the very first episode of the Best of Magic Our Way series of show.
On today’s show, we have Kevin, Danny, Eli of www.ivorycomics.com, Mike, Aaron Aimee, and Mark.
Please note: the Magic Our Way Podcast is not affiliated with the Walt Disney Company or its entities. All opinions expressed therein are solely those of the Magic Our Way podcast. No animals were harmed in the making of this podcast.
This is our first Best of Magic Our Way episode. This particular show will present the more jovial moments from episodes #001-010, which is currently unavailable on iTunes due to their restrictions on the max number of shows it presents to its customers.
If any of these clips makes you want to know more from that episode it came from, we will have them posted up on our website once we have released the redesign.
Any and all opinions are welcome on the Magic Our Way Podcast. Share them at show@magicourway.com.
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Give us a listen, ya’ heard! Click the link to listen now.
Thanks for watching and listening!
-Danny, Kevin, Lee, & Eli