Jambeaux, everyone!!! Welcome to another episode of Magic Our Way. We are back with a somewhat normal format of a show. We have our Queue segment in which we discuss the topic everyone in the Disney community is buzzing about, the Disney Springs makeover of Downtown Disney. Our Hub segment this week comes from the Magic Our Way Vault. We recorded this back in 2012 when the first news of Limited Time Magic was released. This was actually recorded before we started posting shows to our server and distributing them. So, this is an older recorded segment, but it turned out to be one of our better shows. The topic of Limited Time Magic rolls over into our Magic Our Way segment in which Danny and I brainstorm ideas of what we would like to see happen during the year of Limited Time Magic. Lastly, we introduce a new segment to our show, I Beg To Differ. It is not meant to be controversial or disrespectful to any other podcasters. We are fans first of both Disney and of the established podcast shows. But, every now and then, we hear things that we either disagree with or have our own opinions to or are able to contribute more information towards whatever topic they are discussing. You know how podcasters always talk about people screaming at their iPods? Well, we took it one step further and created our own podcast. The I Beg To Differ segment is a “seasonal” segment.
As always, if you like the show, please rate us and leave a review in the iTunes Store. We do appreciate you taking the time to do so. Also, you can find us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter (@magicourway). Find some of our video statuses on Keek.com. If you have any suggestions or comments for the show, please do not hesitate to contact us at magicourway@gmail.com. We will be sure to read your email on the air, unless you tell us not to. We do want to hear from our fans and we want you to be part of our discussion.
Thanks again for listening to us. We do realize that you have many choices when it comes to Disney podcasts and we appreciate your attention. Thank you for flying Magic Our Way. “You DO have wings ! You CAN do all these things ! We'll be your wings ! [Magic Our Way]: the wings of man!” As always, have a happy day!!!