Last year we met Kiwi futurist, Melissa Clark-Reynolds for the first time and she blew us away with her articulate insights and predictions around what was in store for the global meat industry and more specifically, the Australian pork sector. Since our initial conversation with Melissa generated the highest amount of listens in 2020, we jumped at the chance to speak with her again for the first episode of Season 2. Kicking off Season 2 with a bang, Melissa once again delivered us plenty of hard-hitting, punchy take-aways that our producers absolutely need to hear. From COVID key learnings influencing ASF vaccine development to why consumers are concerned about ‘healthy farmers’ to how ‘zoom vanity’ translates into opportunity for Aussie pig producers to pig milk cheese... it’s all covered within this episode. To top it off, Melissa’s passion and energy is completely contagious so we’re certain you’ll be positively encouraged about the future of our sector.
About Melissa Clark-Reynolds
Melissa Clark-Reynolds describes her career as an eclectic mix but officially, is known as a social entrepreneur, professional director and futurist, where she works with companies, particularly around the application of new technologies. She was awarded the Order of NZ Merit for Services to Technology in 2015 and in 2007 she was the first New Zealander to train with Al Gore as a Climate Project presenter. She’s passionate about championing climate and sustainability issues and most of her work involves the future of food and agriculture. You can also keep up with Melissa’s latest insights over on Twitter at @honeybeegeek
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