15-40 Connection is focused on educating and empowering people about early cancer detection. This education helps individuals become aware of the early warning signs of cancer. Most cancer organizations focus on research for a cure, treatment or support. There are also many cancer organizations that focus on prevention. Unfortunately, we still don’t know what causes all cancers, so while some preventative measures can reduce risk; it can’t remove the risk completely. Research shows that detecting cancer early improves effectiveness of cancer treatment and also improves the chance of survival, which is why 15-40 Connection is empowering individuals to be aware of the early warning signs to give them their best chance at effective treatment and survival.
15-40 Connection aims to educate and empower individuals with the skills to recognize subtle health changes in themselves, rather than rely only on medical professionals. Through 15-40 Connection’s 3 Steps to Early Detection individuals learn how to become active participants in their own health care so cancer as well as other illnesses can be diagnosed earlier. The result is a quicker return to health and most importantly lives saved.
For more information: https://www.15-40.org
As Vice President for Engagement for 15-40 Connection, Kelly Fattman supports educational outreach and national communication that teaches people how to detect cancer earlier. She is passionate about saving lives through the power of early detection. While working in this role, she experienced health changes herself that lead to a brain tumor diagnosis. Kelly put into practice the exact education she was delivering to change the outcome of her situation.
Using 15-40 Connection’s 3 Steps Detect, Kelly became one of the most valuable members of her health care team. After describing how her health changes felt, she was told by two doctors. “That doesn’t make sense.” Her health changes were different from what they had seen most often. As they put the piece of the puzzle together to determine her diagnosis, Kelly continued to trust how she was feeling and shared that information. It was because of one of her symptoms that were not making sense that her doctor ordered additional tests which revealed her brain tumor. Had Kelly not shared that information, her diagnosis would have been delayed, the brain tumor would have continued to grow, her treatment options would have been more limited, and the chances of lasting side effects would have risen significantly.
Prior to her role at 15-40 Connection, Kelly, helped companies large and small launch products, reach new audiences and improve customer engagement. Some of the major brands she has worked with include Reebok, Dunkin Donuts, American Express, New Balance, and the Boston Marathon.
Here's the Transcript of the Interview
Hugh Ballou: Welcome to this episode of The Nonprofit Exchange. And yet another interesting guest, Russell. What do you think of that?
Russell Dennis: Good-looking and interesting and smart. Dedicated. Those are the kind of people that show up here. I like it.
Hugh: We attract really brilliant people who have good stories. Kelly, welcome to The Nonprofit Exchange.
Kelly Fattman: Thank you for having me.
Hugh: We had a struggle with technology, but we conquered it. Here we are. Let’s start out. I don’t like these dry introductions of people. I like people to tell me a little bit about themselves. What about you is important to the work you do? Then talk about this organization, 15-40 Connection.
Kelly: It’s interesting because I have a background in marketing and development. I have spent the last part of my career, probably the last ten years, in strategy, development, and activation, specifically around customer engagement. When I came to 15-40, my role was to really help to drive engagement and scale because we really needed to scale our message. We knew it was life-saving education, and we needed to get to as many people as possible.
What is unique in my story is I was working as a consultant, and then I had a health change. Part of our education is about noticing changes in your health and acting on them. I did that. I call it my orientation to the business. I was in real time in my life testing our education. Does it work? My health change was significant. I did see a doctor. I had some challenges with getting a diagnosis, but I pushed. I became the empowered patient, which is something that we talk about, and got to an accurate diagnosis, which really changed my life. That makes me not just a business professional, but also a consumer. That combination has been very successful as we enter the drive of this mission and our need to scale it and our ability to scale it.
Hugh: Kelly Fattman, y’all aren’t from the South, I can tell. Where are y’all from?
Kelly: I am actually born and raised right outside of Boston, Massachusetts, but my parents are from Pennsylvania. I have a little bit of a mixed problem going on here.
Hugh: Russell is over there in Denver. They got a really distinctive accent, which you can’t tell. The South is very distinctive, and in New England, it is of course really distinctive.
Tell us a little bit about 15-40 Connection.
Kelly: Our mission is we teach people how to detect cancer early. It’s that simple. There is a ton of companies. Once you are diagnosed with cancer, there is a bunch of resources to access for treatment, care, mental health, and research. When it comes to the path that leads to diagnosis, there is nobody who does what we do, which is unfortunately why we are doing it. The founder wasn’t necessarily looking for something else to do, but when he saw this opportunity and the gap that was available to people to maintain their health and survive cancer, he acted on it. Our education is teaching people how to recognize symptoms, act on those symptoms, and connect with their doctors to get an accurate early diagnosis.
Hugh: Outstanding. On your site, there is a core educational message called Three Steps Detect.
Kelly: Correct.
Hugh: Say more about that.
Kelly: The Three Steps Detect is our core education. It is really the entry point of what you learn when you’re learning about early detection. We broke it down into three simple steps. If you follow these three steps, it will lead to not only potential cancer diagnosis early, but really diagnose anything. We have heard from people this year that have diagnosed heart disease, kidney stones, things along those lines. We know that it’s not just cancer that can be detected early. It can be anything. We know that anything detected early gives you a better chance of survival, better health outcomes, getting back to your life quicker, back to health quicker.
Hugh: It’s not just cancer?
Kelly: We are focused on cancer, but the interesting byproduct of our education is it’s helping people find other things as well. But our primary focus is cancer.
Hugh: Wow. So you started telling a story that you had a health change. It brought you- How did you connect with 15-40? Was it already in existence?
Kelly: I was actually working here, and they were developing the curriculum Three Steps Detect. We had been doing education before I got here but knew that we needed to tighten it up, be clearer on the message, get something that was memorable and actionable. That is what I was working on. When I had the health change, I followed the three steps quite honestly.
The biggest step we talk about is the part where the patient interacts with the doctor. Doctors, we call them detectives. They only can solve the case based on the clues that are provided to them. We are the people who provide the clues. I was providing my clues; however, the doctors basically outlined to me that what I was saying didn’t make sense, that my explanation of my symptoms couldn’t be what they are. I stayed true to my story because of what I learned here, and ultimately they ordered the right test and got to an accurate diagnosis. I had two diagnoses prior to the third, which was the accurate one.
Hugh: Some of us listening that are paranoid. When I visit people in the hospital, I start hurting when they start talking about their operation. Can you give us an idea of those three steps?
Kelly: Sure. First step is to know you’re normal, to know that you’re great. What’s good for you? When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel on a good day? We don’t have a checklist, but it’s setting benchmarks. What’s your normal sleep patterns? What is your normal energy level? What are your bowel habits? Those are the things you should be checking in with. How is your skin? Do you have a lot of moles or just a few? Are you watching your skin? If new things come in that weren’t there before. It’s knowing what your normal is so if something changes, you can recognize the change. That is step one.
Step two is the two-week rule. Since you have set the base of your normal, when something changes, you’ll notice. Your stomach starts to act up. Maybe you’re going to the bathroom differently. You’re more tired than normal. Most things will clear up after two weeks. The flu, pneumonia, the common cold. There are lots of things that after two weeks solve themselves. If after two weeks you are still feeling these symptoms, we recommend you go check it out. It does not mean you have cancer. The two-week rule helps people not to be a hypochondriac, as you stated; it helps them to be calm because they say, “Okay. In two weeks a lot of things go away.” Two weeks gives them a reason to go check it out.
The third step is the sharing with your doctor. That piece is the most critical in that it’s what I outlined earlier. What you say to your doctor is going to determine what they know about you. They don’t have X-ray vision. They can certainly order tests, but they don’t know which ones to order if you are not sharing the right information with them. Ultimately, that relationship is critical. In this time where health care is so challenging and so variable across the country, it is understanding all the different scenarios that people can enter. Some people have long-term relationships with primary care. Others use urgent care or medical clinics, so it’s a one-and-done environment. It’s making sure the patient is driving the conversation, and they are driving the outcome to early diagnosis because if we don’t drive, the doctors and the way the model is now built, they don’t have the infrastructure and support systems, most of them, to do the follow-up and the additional work. They also don’t know how you’re feeling, so you go to the doctor and leave and don’t follow back up with them, but you’re still not feeling well. How are they going to know?
Those are really the three steps.
Hugh: I guess it’s tricky. We all assume that the doctor knows everything. They tell you something, and it’s a tendency for us to want to shut down. What I hear you saying is that we learn to be assertive in talking about ourselves. Is that the context you’re talking in?
Kelly: We say the best chance is you, the empowered patient. It’s all of those. It’s the strength of believing in yourself, trusting in your instincts, not being embarrassed. Some of the cultural norms. In the times we grew up, people didn’t question their doctor. I’m not sure people are being raised the same way now. I think now is the right time. You know you the best. It’s about a partnership with a doctor; it’s not about us versus them. It’s about creating a partnership between you and them.
Hugh: That is a really helpful paradigm because- You called them a detective a minute ago. We have to give them the clues. They depend on us telling them. I have a very good doctor who listens very carefully and spends time and asks me very good questions. Sometimes those are questions about things I have never thought about, but you are helping me think about being prepared in case I wake up and it’s not normal. If you are not normal, you wait two weeks, and if it doesn’t go away, then you make an appointment. Is that what I heard you say?
Kelly: That’s exactly right. We also say that if something changes significantly, like you break your leg or you have a really sharp pain or something along those lines, then you don’t wait two weeks. It’s making sure you understand the difference. Our teaching is about the subtle, persistent changes that hang around that wouldn’t necessarily impact your ability to go about your day. Those are the ones you wait two weeks and they usually clear up. Things that are more like the symptom I had was more significant. I had a sharp pain in my head that would come and go, but it was nothing I had ever felt before, very different from my normal and was more dramatic. It wasn’t subtle, I should say. I acted quicker than two weeks.
Hugh: Why is 15-40 Connection a 501(c)3?
Kelly: Essentially because a nonprofit is the best way to get to everybody. Our mission is to educate people on how to detect cancer early. The fact is it wasn’t being done before. Now that the issue is raised, you have to build the case to get the education out there. What we were able to do is build the case with funders and people who are interested in the nonprofit space to make a difference and save lives. That is how we landed as a nonprofit segment versus a for-profit who would be selling the education, which is not the motivation of the founder and the other people who work here.
Hugh: It’s to make it accessible to more people.
Kelly: Yes.
Hugh: Russell, what are you hearing here? Do you have questions or observations?
Russell: That is remarkable. I can think back to a health change that I had when I was working for the IRS. There was some signs. I did not act. In my case, I can speak for myself. I think fear was a factor. Does your education program go to address those things that people may have, these fears that going to the doctor could cause me to miss work or my insurance may not be adequate? Fear is unreasonable often. It doesn’t make any sense, yet it is there. Does your program address any of these fears that people may be experiencing or provide a space where people can discuss it?
Kelly: Yes. Fear is the #1 issue. People say, I’m afraid to go. If I don’t go, it will go away. The reality is that that fear, where it’s unfounded is if you catch it early, great. That’s a win because you can take care of it. If you don’t have anything, that’s great, too. Both are celebration points. We do have a natural fear of what the doctor is going to say. We also on the flip side of that want the doctor to say you’re okay. Once the doctor says you’re fine, we say, Oh, great, even though you still don’t feel well, even though the symptoms still persist. You heard them say you’re okay, and that’s what you want. We call it the get out of jail free card because that is what people are looking for. You have to trust your instincts. You have to trust yourself. A lot of the teaching is about recognizing the obstacles, all that you just outlined, that keep people from going and keep people from getting the early detection because of those obstacles.
Russell: Do you have any statistics—I think you might be a source for it—of people who are finding out that they have cancer, let’s say late detection? Are there- How many cases are there where people are finding out too late that they could have been treated or the treatment becomes more difficult because they waited? Do you have any of those numbers per chance?
Kelly: I don’t have them at my fingertips. What I can share with you is one in two men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Those numbers are staggering. That is about 40%. That is a big number. We need to get as many of those people to detect cancer in stage zero or stage one. We also know the cost is significantly different. We do have data that supports stage one care versus stage four is the difference is probably 300-400%.
The other thing is they just started to publish these studies now in the National Journal of Medicine and a few others around. Misdiagnosis is a blind spot that has been ignored for the last 20 years. The misdiagnosis leads to the lack of early detection. The more diagnoses you get that are inaccurate, the longer the pathway is to the correct diagnosis. There has been a lot of studies published on that. But the actual numbers of early versus late haven’t found that yet. But we are continuing to see stuff like that pop up.
Russell: That is a lot of people, 40% of the population. That is staggering. Is that how it’s been historically? Have we seen an increase historically?
Kelly: I don’t know how long ago it was tracked. I can’t answer that. But I know certain cancers are on the rise, some in younger people, like colon cancer and some others. I am not sure to answer your question if it’s on the rise. But the number is staggering. And not rising at a percentage increase like the opioid epidemic. It’s relatively static from the way the government sees it. I know that. Huge numbers, but not these kind of growth rates that are alarming to people.
Hugh: You said with men, it’s one in two. That would be us, Russell.
Russell: That would be. I get that. The funny thing is because Kelly was plugged into 15-40. Kelly, because you were plugged in there, you were looking at being proactive about this problem and actually going out to solve it. In my case, I just instinctually shied away from it. My boss and her boss had two separate one-way conversations with me to tell me to go to the doctor. They actually had to threaten to fire me before I did it. That is how strong the fear around facing this was. With men in particular, and it doesn’t surprise me, we like to be angry and flex our muscles and growl, which is a good mask of fear, to be angry for guys.
Kelly: No one looks forward to sitting on a stool in someone’s office. It’s not a position of power, I like to say.
Hugh: No, it’s not. Russell, thanks for sharing that story. I guess you went to the doctor then.
Russell: I did because they threatened to fire me. It was crazy. Once I found out what was going on with me, I was a lot calmer. I approached it a lot better. I was a lot more optimistic than letting go of it. Because I chewed on it and kicked it around for a while. I had a support system of people around me who were there to help me gather information. Good friends that came. My goddaughter and other friends. They said, “Okay, we are going to go with you. Just listen to the doctor. We are here. We can take notes. We can use your voice recorder on the phone. Just lean into it and listen and share where you are, what’s going on.” It was a partnership. It was a team approach. Some of the things that I heard, whoever went with me didn’t hear. There were a lot of things that people went with me to these appointments heard that I didn’t hear. We were able to gather all of this information because when you sit in the chair, facing the treatment, a lot of times you’re overwhelmed with things going on. There is economics, your affairs going forward, how I am actually going to feel. Am I going to be able to go back to my life as it was with work and with family? There are just a ton of uncertainties and a ton of questions that people face. Having people that have gone through it, having the education, having that support network to say, “Look, it’s better to face this stuff sooner rather than later, and you’re not alone” is critical to getting better. I have recovered fully. I have been in remission. I am approaching six years since the completion.
Kelly: Yay, I like those stories. You bring up a good point about examples of people sharing examples. That is our model of education. We use storytelling. We use people who have had cancer diagnoses and gone through the process. They either detected cancer early or they didn’t. The different outcomes they had as a result, it really is powerful because it helps people live the situation through other people, which can make it less scary. I appreciate you sharing your story, and I am very happy for your outcome.
Russell: The unspoken thing my doctor said: We have some challenges, but he hinted at the fact that if I had come in a bit earlier, it would have been easier to treat. He wasn’t sure how things were going to go. They are not always sure. They don’t have crystal balls. It’s important to get all of that information out there. No detail is too minor. Get that information out there to assess the situation to find out exactly where you are and what steps you can take.
Hugh: Kelly, earlier in your dialogue, you talked about the support systems you have. When people find out, there is an emotional side to this. How do you help people there?
Kelly: We are really the path that leads to diagnosis. We are trying to encourage and engage and empower people to go through the process to get to the diagnosis. As I had said when we started, there is a lot of groups and organizations that support once the diagnosis is made. That is not our focal point. Our focal point is making sure people get to the doctor and get that diagnosis if indeed that is what is wrong with them so they have more options and better chances for care and better health outcomes.
Hugh: Two more things I am thinking about. People like to say, “I’m too busy to do some of this.” How do you encourage people to cut through that excuse and do what’s important? Secondly, when they actually make the appointment, how do you empower them to have that meaningful conversation with your doctor?
Kelly: An hour today could save you ten hours tomorrow. Busy is busy. Everybody is busy. At the end of the day, getting to the doctor, taking the time today to get the early diagnosis could save you so much time, so much money, and your life quite frankly. It’s about prioritization. It’s not easy. At the end of the day, how many people prioritize themselves first, especially when you are a parent with children and with a job? But you have to reinforce it as often as possible that to the people who love you, alive is the option. They want you alive, and if it is going to mean that you don’t get to make that lunch because you went to the doctor early or you might miss the last meeting of the day, you are not effective if you are not in the meeting at all. Fortunately, that is one thing that is shifting. It does feel there is support out there in corporate wellness and those environments to focus on health. It sounds like even your experience, people were like, “Get to the doctor or you’re fired.” I love to hear that because they are prioritizing your health over the bottom line of the company. Not everybody does it. Not everybody works for supportive people. You have to be number one, or the consequences can be significant.
Hugh: Wow. Equipping people to have that conversation.
Kelly: It doesn’t have to be us or them or me or you. It’s more about I’m having something I have to deal with, and I need support for me to go do that. It shouldn’t be too much to ask, but I know it can be trickier than it sounds.
Hugh: But getting there. When you talk to the doctor. I am guilty of when I get to the doctor, it doesn’t hurt anymore.
Kelly: Yep.
Hugh: So I have to have a good recall. This is what I was feeling. I am self-conscious or nervous, so it has surpassed the slight feeling of pain that I had. I guess there is making notes and being prepared for the doctor. What other ways can people be prepared?
Kelly: You just touched on something. In advance of the doctor, make sure you write down everything that you experience. Symptoms, changes in your health, that piece. Make sure you make that list in the Notes app or handwrite them. Inevitably, when you get to the situation, you forget half the things. When you are there, make sure that you go through everything and that you don’t, even if you are feeling rushed, it’s your time in that room. You have to command it. It’s that empowerment thing again. I am not done. I haven’t shared everything I am feeling.
The two other pieces that have been very helpful in the education are: ask them if they don’t know what it is, what could it be? It could be this, or it could be that, or something in between. It gives you some framework to work from. Then you say, Okay. What is the path to the answer? You treat the minimal thing they think it probably is. If it doesn’t work, when should I feel better? When should I come back? You have a plan on what the next act is, and you’re not waiting around for somebody else to reach out to you. In this day and age, you don’t traditionally get a follow-up call.
The other one I just touched on is when should I feel better? If I get this ten-day antibiotic, on the tenth day, should I feel better? On the fifth day? When should I feel better? What do I do if I don’t?
Those two things have been powerful statements to keep people in the driver’s seat of the process.
Hugh: We don’t know what questions to ask. That is helpful.
Your website is 15-40.org. The logo is 15-40 Connection. Tell us a bit about the website. There is a Donate button. A Contact. You have a blog. What is on the blog?
Kelly: To set the stage, our product is education. It’s early detection education. We offer through Train the Trainers, through webinars, and through live presentations with panelists. To support the education we have provided, we have a social infrastructure. We are on all social media platforms, and we have a blog. What we do with our blog is enhance and continue to tell the stories of what we have taught. It’s everything from last Valentine’s day, we had a blog post on the most important relationship is the one with your doctor. We actually just are launching the 12 Days of Early Detection. Each day someone sings one of the days. At the end, on December 22, you will be able to hear the whole 12 Days of Early Detection. Each day is reinforcing our education. That is what we use all of our social platforms and our blog to do. A lot of it also is through storytelling, highlighting stories of people who have had successful health outcomes as a result of our education or because they didn’t have our education, they value it and want to make sure other people have it.
Hugh: Start the Conversation. Know the Power of You. Know Your Role. Be Informed. FAQs. The Three Steps Detect. Remember You’re Great. Two-Week Rule. Share with Your Doctor. Learn from People Like You. Get Involved. Education & Outreach. Share Your Story. Events. Donate. Find out About Us. You have a team for the marathon. 2018 Boston Marathon.
Kelly: We do. We have seven runners who are collectively already over $25,000 in funds raised. That is super exciting.
Hugh: That’s great. I ran for the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society raising money for cancer.
Kelly: For Boston?
Hugh: No, I ran Atlanta. Yuengling in Virginia Beach. It is a grand event. They give you a name of somebody who is in cancer treatment who you run for. On your website, you can click on that and find out about joining the team. Is that the idea?
Kelly: Our team is full. We have filled all seven slots. You can certainly support our team. Three of our seven runners are cancer survivors. They are out pushing the mission forward and empowering themselves and running a marathon and supporting early detection education, which is amazing.
Hugh: I love it. You are sitting in the office?
Kelly: I am.
Hugh: You’re in Boston.
Kelly: We are about 35 minutes west of Boston.
Hugh: West. Tell us about your staff, your founder, and your board.
Kelly: Our founder, Joe Coghlin and his family. It is a good story. Jim, his best friend, Mark Ungerer. Jim said, “He is my best friend, second only to my wife.” How romantic, right? Mark lost his son at the age of 15 to leukemia. Mark, as a lasting legacy to his son, started a successful golf tournament. He funded research to help continue to find cures for leukemia. Mark, years after this tournament started, said to Jim, “If something ever happens to me, would you keep this going?” Jim said, “Of course, I will, but you’ll outlive me.” Unfortunately, shortly after that, Mark died. Jim had a commitment to this tournament. He continued to fund the research. He is a very successful businessman. He decided to check out the ROI. For all the funds that were being put into research, what was the outcome? As a result of some of that work, he found this statistic, which showed that there had been an issue around delayed diagnosis and the impact of delayed diagnosis on cancer survival rates. Once he found that and recognized that nobody was focused on it, he met with a family and said, “This is a calling. We can’t let this be. We have to do something about it.” That’s how 15-40 was founded about eight years ago.
We have an active board. We just had a board meeting last night. We have eight members at this point. We are actively pursuing additional board members as we scale and build new curriculum. Our staff has eight people who work across all categories: development, marketing, education, outreach to support the mission and to scale the mission.
Hugh: That is music to our ears, isn’t it, Russ? Russell and I reframe the word “consultant” to “WayFinder.” We don’t give people fish; we teach them how to fish. We work with many nonprofits, and boards are not as active as they ought to be. Russell’s specialty is funding. We think about donors and grants, but there are six more streams of funding. It sounds like you have a good thing going, a really solid platform. How many people like you in the office? There is nobody like you, but how many others?
Kelly: There is eight total people who work in the office each day. A lot of us are out of the office because our education is we are out in schools, in corporate wellness, on college campuses. We are spread all over. There is eight total in the moment.
Hugh: Do they all wear black furs to work?
Kelly: Exactly. This is to celebrate our 12 Days of Early Detection. I wore a fancy jacket so that I could sing. Stay tuned. Watch our Facebook page.
Hugh: You are going to sing. Your Facebook page is 1540 Connection. Twitter is @1540connection. YouTube is The1540Connection. Instagram is 1540connection. No hyphen. Just written out.
Kelly: Each day, we will post. Everybody is singing a day of early detection.
Hugh: Love it. That is clever. Russell, we are on the last stretch of our interview. I bet you got some observations and closing questions for Kelly.
Russell: I love the fact that everybody is cross-trained and understands everybody’s function and role and taking that responsibility onto yourselves. It’s marvelous. Spreading the wealth and spreading the joy. I love what you’re doing. I’d be interested to know more about your Train the Trainer process. That is something that should be spread beyond Boston. I think it should be spread around the country so that people understand what they are looking at.
Kelly: Because of technology, we were able to do a Train the Trainer in Florida. We are national. Our feet on the street is here in Boston, so we have deeper traction here. We are definitely moving across the Mississippi and trying to hit all four corners and the center of the U.S. and make sure everybody gets the education.
Hugh: One of your tabs says Get Involved. If people are not in Boston, how do they get involved?
Kelly: So many ways. You can get involved through social media. You can share our story with your network. You can bring our education through your schools or corporations. You can also sign up for Train the Trainer. You can bring us to your college campus. It really is endless. All the opportunities are posted there. There is also an email capability to tell us what you’re thinking. We are nimble, so we are constantly looking for new ideas. We welcome all ideas.
Hugh: Amazing. So Kelly, as we wrap up here, is there something we haven’t covered that you want to share? What parting thought do you have to leave with our listeners?
Kelly: As our founder says, “Health is wealth.” At the end of the day, if you are not healthy, everything is a struggle. We have the capacity to get well. Most people can access a doctor or a hospital. Taking the extra time to do that if something changes in your health can be a life-saving decision. Our founder says often, “Don’t be selfish. Think about all the people who love you. If you make this decision and you are negatively impacted as a result, they are, too.” That is a strong statement. It’s not just about you. It’s about everybody around you. I have young kids. I am being wheeled into the hospital with a ten- and eight-year-old. That is not an easy pill to swallow. You want to come out and make sure that you are there for them. I think that is the key component of all of this. Make it a priority because at the end of the day, nothing else matters. If you don’t have your health, the rest is not going to happen.
Hugh: Amazing. Russell, those are good words, aren’t they?
Russell: They are wonderful. Thank you for making this information available to a lot of people. It’s a worthwhile cause. Access to information and resources is critical, especially in today’s climate of rising costs. The thing that I would say to people as a closing thought if you got some things going on and you are stopping to think, Well, I don’t know if I have the money or the resources to pay for it, I will point out that I have never seen a U-Haul behind a hearse. Dead people don’t pay bills.
Hugh: Kelly, thank you for making time. I know you have a lot of things to do. Thank you for sharing your story with all of our listeners.
Kelly: Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.
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Nonprofits That Work: 15-40 Connection | The Nonprofit Exchange: Leadership Tools & Strategies podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast