Ladies and Gents, Bussin' With The Boys has landed another whale! Will Compton and Taylor Lewan sit down with none other than Donald Trump to talk about all things sports. The 45th President talks ball and shares his insights on his favorite QBs currently in the NFL. He also gives some great anecdotes about the importance of "showing up" and how Lou Gehrig's career initially took off. Trump opens up about the current state of his campaign, the digitization of media, and how he practices resilience in the face of criticism. He even shares some fascinating stories from his attempt to acquire the Buffalo Bills for $1 billion. Will and Taylor dig into these topics and more, picking the former President's brain on Brock Purdy, his favorite sports growing up, and his golf game. Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe to Bussin' With The Boys for more great content, and let us know who you’d love to see on the bus next! As always... BIG hugs... and just the teeniest of tiny kisses! TIMESTAMPS 0:00 Intro 0:50 If You Are New Here, Hit That Subscribe Button 1:33 Yes, We Had Donald Trump On 7:33 What An Amazing Weekend In Oregon 33:28 NFL Recap With Delanie 58:45 Spooky QOTW 1:06:37 Tier Talk 1:13:02 DONALD TRUMP INTERVIEW STARTS 1:13:09 Mr. Irrelevant 1:15:35 Relationship With Dana White 1:19:17 Doing Podcasts/Long Form Interviews 1:22:20 Relationship With Elon Musk 1:23:34 Kamala And Biden 1:27:38 Does He Get Nervous? 1:29:48 What Have You Learned Since Your First Term? 1:32:22 What Made Him Get Into Politics? 1:37:14 Was Trump And Athlete Growing Up? 1:39:40 How Close Was He To Buying The Bills? 1:42:46 The Story Of Wally Pip 1:44:49 The Sprint To The Finish. How Does He Rest? 1:46:39 The Social Media World 1:50:16 Will With An Absolutely Outrageous Question 1:52:47 Thoughts On The New Kickoff Rule? 1:57:10 How Will He Unite The Country? 2:04:05 How Does He Stay So Resilient?
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