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Are you overwhelmed with complicated business systems and too much on your to-do list? Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels most days and not getting enough done? Are you afraid you're never going to reach those big dreams and goals of yours? I
f you answered yes to any or all of those questions, then I have one more to ask. Are you ready to simplify your online business, stop wasting time, and finally achieve your dreams and goals? Yay, I'm glad to hear you answer yes.
Today I'm sharing the ONE CRUCIAL QUESTION you need to ask every single day as a midlife Christian Entrepreneur. If you're going to listen to just one episode of this show, this is it. You really don't want to miss out on this million-dollar episode, so let's get to it.
Free Facebook group: If you’d like to discuss today’s episode or just want to hang out and get more tips for simplifying your online business, come join my SIMPLICITY for Solopreneurs™ free Facebook group at
Today’s sponsor: ANCHOR - If you’re ready to start your own podcast, whether personal or business-related, be sure to check out This free platform has all you need to record, edit, and host your podcast. All the tools you need in ONE place! And did I mention it’s FREE, lol! Get over to today.
If you found value in today’s episode of SIMPLICITY for Solopreneurs™ podcast, please take a minute and drop me a review on Apple Podcasts. I truly appreciate you. And hearing from you will positively make my day!
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(Some of the links mentioned on the show and appearing here may be affiliate links. This means I may earn a small commission if you buy anything. This is at NO additional cost to you. Thanks for donating to my coffee addiction, lol!)