I know from experience there are tons of things out there just waiting to distract you from your work. Like social media, phone calls, unfinished household chores, new episodes of your favorite TV shows, or that nap that’s been calling your name for the last hour.
But what about the physical clutter around you? Especially the clutter that’s right in front of your eyes as you try to get some work done every single day. (Now if you’re Martha Stewart you may not be staring down clutter when you work and can totally skip this episode.) But if you’re more like me and have clutter around your workspace, then you’re gonna want to listen to today’s episode for a quick remedy for this special kind of distraction.
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Full Show Notes, Links mentioned, & Full Transcript: https://simplicityforsolopreneurs.com/blog-wipe-out-workspace-distractions-through-decluttering
Where to find Brooke Tikka:
You can find “The Simplify Mom Life Podcast” wherever you listen to podcasts or at Brooke’s website: simplifymomlife.com.
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