Your financial advisor is one of the most important tools in your retirement toolbelt as he or she may be the professional that has the most impact on your life other than a doctor if you are ill.
I feel it’s imperative that you make your decision on what financial advising team you choose based on what I call “right fit.” We’ll take a look at the client-advisor connection and what the ideal relationship can look like. We have a special guest on the show who will help us shed some light on this topic.
Jeff Shore is the Founder and President of Shore Consulting. His company specializes in psychology-based sales training programs.
Jeff is a top-selling author, host of the popular sales podcast, The Buyer’s Mind, and an award-winning keynote speaker. He holds the prestigious Certified Speaking Professional designation from the National Speakers Association and is a member their exclusive Million Dollar Speaker’s Group.
Check out the footnotes for the episode HERE!
Learn more about Jeff Shore here:
Subscribe to his podcast on itunes: The Buyer'sMind
And check out Episode #32: What Your Customer Thinks About Money with David Rosell