Segment #1: "Happy 5 Year Anniversary to Raider Nation Podcast"
This segment looks back over the 5 year history of Raider Nation Podcast, telling the story of how we got started and how the show has evolved. You'll listen to clips from dozens of shows, starting with Show #1 which was recorded by Raider Greg on May 20, 2005. You'll hear Greg on an emotional rollercoaster as he follows the Raiders changing roster, changing coaching staff, and the wins and losses. We also get to hear how the Raider Nation was feeling from our Boneline archives.
Segment #2: A Tour of the Raiders Alameda Training Facility and Headquarters
One of our RNP legends, Juan Jorge, was invited to take a tour of the Raiders Alameda facilities, and was joined by Raider Greg and fellow podcast listeners Raider Mike, Raiders Stutters, Robert and John Moorehead along with others. Greg tells the story of their tour, which was hosted by none other than Raiders legend and Hall of Famer Jim Otto.
Segment #3: The Boneline (our toll-free voicemail line) 1-800-620-7181
Here are this week's callers:
01. Pennsylvania Raider
02. Raider Mike from Gainesville, Florida
03. Greg from Simi Valley, California
04. Nebraska Raider
05. Family Raider from West Virginia
06. Raider Maniac
07. Surface Raider from the UK
08. San Jo Raider
09. Raider Jaime
10. Loudog
11. Raider Joe from Columbus, Ohio via San Diego
12. Raider Bill in the South Pacific
13. Raider Stutters
14. Raider Mayak from the UK
15. Crusader Raider Keith Smith from the UK
You too can call in to the boneline and get on the podcast yourself. Toll-Free 1-800-620-7181. Try to keep your call around 2-3 minutes long. If we get a lot of calls we may not be able to air all of them, so make them good. Preference may be given to first time callers. Sorry if your call is not aired. Please call back to get on another show.
Running time - 1:48:55