Karen and I saw Zombieland together in the theater when it came out in 2009 and we loved it, and we've referenced it so much in the show that both of us thought we had already covered it! Well, finally, here's our coverage of this classic that has informed how we think and talk about zombies ever since. Plus, Karen has a bunch of TV recommendations, including her top 5 shows in recent years.
CONTEST! Win a bottle of Limited Edition House Baratheon Royal Lochnagar 12 YO Whisky! I (Jason) have already finished off a bottle myself and it's really goooood.
We're doing this in honor of Game of Thrones coming back in April, and to get you guys subscribed to our GoT podcast, House Podcastica. To enter you must: • Be 21 and in the United States. • Go to iTunes or Apple Podcasts and subscribe to House Podcastica if you aren’t already. (Rate and review for bonus points!) https://apple.co/2HwWCLX • Go to facebook.com/housepodcastica and Like the page if you haven’t already. • On that same page, comment on the post about this contest letting us know you Liked the page and subscribed to the podcast.
We'll announce the winner in our first episode after the season 8 premiere. Good luck!
This podcast is made possible by listeners like you (and you too) who have supported us at patreon.com/jasonandkaren. Thanks to all you guys!
If you'd like to give us a call, you can call us at (650) 485-3323 or email brains@podcastica.com.
Look for us on Facebook at facebook.com/deadcast and on Twitter at twitter.com/jasonandkaren.
You can download, subscribe, rate, and review us on Apple Podcasts or in iTunes by going to walkingdeadcast.com/itunes.
Next episode: TWD S9 mid-season premiere!
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