Karen and I had a blast talking over what we think goes into a great TV show, and going through a bunch of our favorites to see what they have in common. You guys had a lot of good feedback on that too. We also covered the funny and delightful Netflix horror comedy Little Evil, starring Adam Scott and Evangeline Lilly. Plus a bunch of news about TWD.
This podcast is made possible by listeners like you (and you too) who have supported us at patreon.com/jasonandkaren. Thanks to all you guys!
If you're into Westworld, definitely check out the new Westworld podcast I started with Karen's husband David. It's at westworldcast.com.
This episode brought to you by:
Fracture: Your photos, in vivid color, printed directly on glass. Go to fractureme.com/podcast and click The Walking Dead 'Cast. Then use code DEAD15 for 15% off your first order!
If you'd like to give us a call, you can call us at (650) 485-3323 or email brains@podcastica.com.
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Next time: Steven Yeun horror flick Mayhem!
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