Can we condition ourselves to become progressive vessels that forge a regenerative future?
In this episode entitled Futurenauts Sailing With The Compass Of Change, Amisha speaks with Mark Stevenson, a ‘reluctant futurist’, author, broadcaster and expert on global trends and innovation. Mark is one of the world’s most respected thinkers on the interplay of technology and society, helping a diverse mix of clients, from government departments to corporates to NGOs become future literate and adapt their cultures and strategies.
Amisha and Mark talk about perseverance, the possibilities for profound change arising from the pandemic and our need for future literacy. They explore the possibilities of change revealed by this unique moment of the pandemic; a moment that is a crisis of our hearts and a time of reflection where the impossible is possible.
Mark shares his ways of staying fit, motivated and in balance whilst doing work that is bigger than him, work that affects system change with ministries, governments, powerful CEOs and investors. He believes that fitness teaches us that progress is slow and achieved with consistency
Together speak of the idea that sustainable development is not simply about change, but about cultivating future literacy, and that artists can teach us ways to engage people emotionally with powerful tools that connect us to where possibilities bloom.
We learn that sustainable change is founded on speaking to people’s hearts and growing our interconnectedness, and that with perseverance we can all effectively create transformation. This persistence of taking incremental steps in growing our visions is a fulfilling way to build long-lasting systemic change.
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