What medicines may we use to restore our threads of connections with ourselves, each other and Earth?
In this episode entitled Apothecary For Our Times, Amisha talks to Charlotte Pulver, a modern day alchemist and lover of the waters. Being born into a lineage of apothecarians, she has a background in natural healthcare, studying and practising various medical systems of healing for 20+ years. She has been hosting water ceremonies and pilgrimages and is currently writing a book on London’s springs and wells.
Charlotte shares how her personal journey with nature’s elixirs and potions intuitively unfolded a life path into studies with various healers, Tibetan and Mayan medicine initiating her present work with mental and emotional trauma, and gynecology based on Mayan self care practices, Pranayama and meditation practices.
Together they explore opportunities and examples for alternative healing traditions during the current pandemic and how the powers of allopathic and alternative medicines can work in synergy to support our health. Charlotte reveals her creation of an immune support packs for frontline workers bringing together alternative medicines and vitamin essentials that are available, affordable and that work.
She shares her work with pilgrimages; prayers in motion and magical quests exploring the springs, wells and waterways of London. They are ways to learn the deeper meanings of ancestral and sacred places in the city whilst honouring our connections with the land through rituals of reciprocity.
We learn that connecting with mineral rich water sources is deeply healing and reminds us who we are. The pandemic has raised how we view the world and our place within, and our capacity for radical transformation lies in embracing the unknown, our interconnectedness and bodies as a whole ecosystem like a forest. We have to be in right relationship with Earth by connecting to the roots of things, our intuition and our land, and take responsibility for our health with good soil needs, good food, good internal feeding, mineral rich watering and good immune support drawing from the Earth’s apothecary with reciprocity.
Links from this episode and more at https://allthatweare.org/2021/02/19/e124-charlotte-pulver-on-front-line-immune-support-water-and-pilgrimage-apothecary-for-our-times/
For Amisha's book INTUITION - https://amisha.co.uk/intuition/
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