What happens when we let go and trust our voice?
In this episode entitled Medicine Songs for the Soul, Amisha spends time with transformational coach, consultant and singer of soul songs Lex Empress.
After a childhood spent “in the blackest dark”, carefully concealing her innate gifts, and an early career laced with the promise of pop stardom, Lex followed her intuition away from the path laid out for her and onto a new track all of her own - touching hearts and changing lives with the penetrating profundity of her one to one song sessions. From the boardroom to the beaches of Ibiza, thousands have come to sit before Lex and hear the song their soul needs now.
Lex shares with Amisha the journey to finally living and expressing her gifts through song, the leaps of faith and great silences along the way, and how she became her own medicine - singing herself sane.
“If you find the courage to express yourself, you are an artist… The moment you show up to create that’s it. Even if it’s not something being shared. Just the courage to express yourself. It’s enough. You made it!”~ Lex Empress
Links from this episode and more at https://allthatweare.org/2019/07/25/e58-lex-empress-on-improvisation-presence-and-surrender-medicine-songs-for-the-soul/
For Amisha's book INTUITION - https://amisha.co.uk/intuition/
To work with Amisha one on one, visit https://amisha.co.uk/leadership/
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