How do we build future cultures rooted in care and regeneration?
In this episode entitled Vacuums Of Collapse Amisha talks with Daze Aghaji, a climate justice activist whose advocacy for radical systemic change centres on youth political engagement, regenerative cultures, social justice, and intersectionality. The Guardian has described her as a ‘ball of energy, conviction and warmth’. Her bold activism has led her to working with an array of leading NGOs, governments, institutions and grassroots change-makers globally.
We learn about
:: her personal experiences of activism and empowering change in communities
:: climate grief and eco anxiety
:: nature as a place of safety & how to build connection with nature in cities
:: how to cultivate agency to change our world
:: connecting with beauty amidst the collapse of society as a way to propel us forward
:: to create useful tools for activism, care and regeneration
:: how AI may help us towards a regenerative future
:: how to create and enact policy making
:: how we can support the younger generations on their mission to shape the future
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