How do we stitch a new garment that fits all of humanity and nature?
In this episode entitled Stitching Tapestries of Worthiness, Amisha talks with Sonya Renee Taylor, Founder and Radical Executive Officer of ‘The Body is Not An Apology’, a digital media and education company. Sonya’s creation as an award winning performance poet, activist and transformational leader unapologetically leans into radical self-love as a path of liberation.
Amisha and Sonya explore the current collective moment where oppressive systems are exposed for their illusions designed to keep us separated from self-love by burying us in individualism, shame and separation. They recognise this moment of interdependence as an invitation offering us ways to make choices from a place of possibility; an invitation that may open us to the reclamation of our worthiness.
Sonya believes that we have been systemically disconnected from our own sense of divineness, our sense of enoughness. She shares that we have to raise our consciousness as an act of reclamation to break free from the systems of hierarchy and enforced value categories that have relentlessly conditioned us to prove ourselves.
Together they reveal that in order to participate in self-love we have to allow ourselves to be expansive. We have to find the courage to revisit our original stories and see how they’ve shaped our place of value. They share that radical self-love journeys move us into creation of intentional reciprocal and resonant relationships connecting us with the full tapestry of community in order to help us magnify the spectrum of our experiences of self-love.
We learn that radical self-love is the fabric that will help us weather the storms of life. Radical self-love is the love that offers pathways to connect us with our soul truths so that we may participate in a vision for a collective future by contributing our true passions moving gracefully into the fullness of our humanity.
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