How can the essence of feminine leadership reinvent the world?
In this episode entitled Dancing Our Lives Into A Global Renaissance, Amisha talks with Nina Simons (E81) co-founder of Bioneers, Stephanie Mines (E72) founder of Climate Change & Consciousness and Zerbanoo Gifford (E6) founder of ASHA Centre; three female leaders, authors and visionaries that have been leading communities guided by wisdoms of the feminine, nature, science and social justice.
In this powerful dialogue they reveal their insights and perceptions of the current times sharing their individual visions of leadership models for the future rooted in guidance by nature, the feminine and creative joy. With clarity of voice they draw on their generous life experiences providing us with a compass for discovering and cultivating endurance, perseverance and resilience during times of personal, cultural and systemic change. Their sense of sisterhood uplifts us into recognising that Mother Nature, our interconnectedness and our creativity will provide the joys and nourishments of spirit needed to enable us to create a beautiful and collective future.
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