Creating a high vibrational restaurant to lift spirits, heal bodies and open hearts and minds.
In this episode entitled Raising Vibrations and Starting Conversations with Food, Amisha meets Lucile Yaney, a psychotherapist and visionary restaurateur. Lucille shares the story of how the Inn of the Seventh Ray was born of a mystical encounter with the "last eyesore in Topanga" and a year-long commitment to following her heart.
Everything at the Inn, from the vibrant food to the meditation gardens, is rooted in a set of principles which infuse the experience of fine dining. Lucile offers guidance on how to transition to a diet that allows your body to detoxify itself and be able to attain a higher vibration.
Restaurants are this wonderful way to convey a body of knowledge because on Monday morning when they went back to their office people would talk about whatever restaurants they went to... So if we could put a body of knowledge onto a restaurant would it not get spread around a city?" - Lucile Yaney
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