How will you create beauty in this world?
Our 108th episode entitled Our Gifts Of Sacred Beauty, is a celebration of our beautiful conversations here at All That We Are. For this special episode, we have gathered your voices. We have gathered your stories of how All That We Are has influenced you and brought tangible shifts into your life.
With generosity you have shared what you have learnt and unlearnt from this podcast, how it has shaped your life in new ways and how it has provided insights and opened your hearts to how you will create beauty in this world.
Amisha has been speaking with incredible people from all corners of this Earth for the past four years; people from different walks of life all sharing an abundance of life experiences, insights and inspiring visions opening our minds and guiding our hearts into new possibilities of how we may flourish a beautiful future.
What started as a book has become a magnificent weave of community sharing conversations that explore the multiplex layers of politics, spirituality, creativity and sustainability. The people, projects and ideas we share and meet in these conversations are challenging the dominant world story and creating a beautiful future.
Our intentions of expanding interbeing and tangible hope for a beautiful future with this cherished community and beyond, have been met by your reflections, your open hearts and minds with warmth and curiosity, in turn inspiring us to continue to share more life-affirming conversations with you all.
A special Thank You goes to our patrons, each one of them a vital support to the backbone of this podcast with their contributions and their continuous enthusiasm that sees us flourish.
Links from this episode and more at
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