How do we cultivate a life of deep listening and purpose?
In this episode entitled Embodying Beautiful Leadership In A Complex World, Amisha Ghadiali, our inspiring host, shares a stream of consciousness exploring the practice of deep listening, intuitive leadership and holding vision whilst embracing the complexities of our time in cultural systems of oppression.
Amisha reflects on her journey of bringing alive visions often met with resistance revealing personal challenges of honouring her visionary and creative self. She shares insights into ways of cultivating self-trust and intuition whilst challenging the difficult aspects of unpacking our systemic conditioning that undermines our inner guidance.
She gives a rare glimpse into her practice as an Intuitive Therapist and the ‘Beautiful Leadership Immersion’, where spiritual leaders share unique approaches and insights on how we can nurture ourselves to become the leaders of our own lives. Amisha’s offerings are communities for learning deep listening, embodiment and intuitive practices that help us release self-limiting patterns and that activate transformation, so that we may freely forge new pathways for potentiality, creativity and pleasure in our lives.
We learn that Amisha’s book ‘Intuition’ is a guide for sensing and exploring the deeper qualities within our being that reveal the wisdom of who we are and enable us to let parts of ourselves fall into their rightful places. Connecting with our intuition is a powerful pursuit of redefining ourselves, that nurtures seeds of possibility into the visionary gardens of the new world we are craving for.
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