What do you believe about God and the afterlife? How certain are you that your beliefs are true, particularly when compared with all the other faith and worldview options that happen to be out there? Can we have certainty about our deepest convictions? On this edition of The Humble Skeptic podcast, Shane Rosenthal discusses these questions and more with Dr. Dennis Johnson, author of Journeys with Jesus, and Let’s Study Acts.
SHOW NOTESFor a gift of any amount, we’ll send you a 20 page downloadable copy of What is Faith? by Shane Rosenthal. There are currently two ways to give: 1) Make a gift directly to The Humble Skeptic by clicking here — these gifts are not currently tax deductible, but this option will become available soon! 2) Upgrade to a paid subscription through Substack using the green button below.
The Humble Skeptic podcast in association with the Memphis Apologetics Group will be hosting a conference titled Questions of Faith on Feb. 24-26, 2023. This conference will be held at the Richland Association Reformed Presbyterian Church in Rosemark, TN, which is 25 minutes north of Memphis. Click here for more information (though the conference is free, registration is required).
The lengthy quote from Princeton New Testament scholar, J. Gresham Machen was adapted from a series of lectures he delivered to the Bible League of Great Britain in 1932. This material was later published under the title, The Importance of Christian Scholarship which you can find here. These lectures were later reprinted and included in The Selected Shorter Writings of J. Gresham Machen as well as What is Christianity?
Dennis Johnson has written two books related to the book of Acts: The Message of Acts in the History of Redemption, and Let’s Study Acts. Also, his book Journeys with Jesus is a very helpful introduction to reading the entire Bible in a Christ-centered way.
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