What are we to make of the stories of Jesus recorded in the New Testament Gospels? Are they authentic accounts of his life and teaching, or collections of myths and legends that evolved over time? Shane discusses this with Cambridge New Testament scholar Peter J. Williams, principal of Tyndale House and author of Can We Trust the Gospels?
BooksCan We Trust The Gospels? Peter J. WilliamsThe Surprising Genius of Jesus, Peter J. WilliamsIs Jesus History? John DicksonJesus: A Very Short Introduction, Richard BauckhamJesus & The Eyewitnesses, Richard BauckhamA Doubter’s Guide To Jesus, John DicksonRevisiting the Corruption of the New Testament, Daniel WallaceRedating the New Testament, John A.T. RobinsonThe Gospel of John: A Newly Discovered Commentary, J.B. Lightfoot
ArticlesQuestions About New Testament Manuscripts, Peter J. WilliamsWhy Are The Birth Stories of Jesus Different? Peter J. WilliamsThe Gospels as Authentic Testimony, Richard BauckhamThe Authenticity & Genuineness of the Fourth Gospel, J.B. LightfootIs Luke a Trustworthy Historian? Sir William RamsayOutside the Gospels, What Can We Know About Jesus? Shane Rosenthal?Scribes of the New Covenant, Shane RosenthalAuthenticating The Fourth Gospel, Shane RosenthalWhy Should We Believe The Bible? Shane RosenthalSimon of Cyrene: An Intriguing Archaeological Discovery, Shane Rosenthal
Video & AudioCan We Trust the Gospels? Peter J. Williams (video)New Evidence for the Gospels, Peter J. Williams (video)Evidence for the Resurrection, Peter J. Williams (video)Are the Gospels Reliable?, Peter J. Williams & Bart Ehrman (video)Has the Bible Been Miscopied or Mistranslated? WHI #1377 with Daniel WallaceIs John Late & Unreliable? Humble Skeptic #51 with Daniel WallaceAre the Gospels History or Fiction? Humble Skeptic #52 with John DicksonThe Gospels As Eyewitness Testimony, Humble Skeptic #48 with Richard BauckhamFake or Authentic? Humble Skeptic #10 with Lydia McGrewFaith & Proof, Humble Skeptic 7 with Mike Farley
The Tools & Rules of HistoryOn Friday, November 8th, the Lanier Theological Library hosted a panel discussion at The Stone Chapel on The Tools and Rules of History: How Do We Know What Really Happened? This 90-minute session featured Gary Habermas, Shane Rosenthal, and David McIlroy and was moderated by Mark Lanier. This conversation was live-streamed and you can find the video here.
For More Info About Peter Williams & Tyndale HousePeter Williams is the principal of Tyndale House, which is a Cambridge-based research institute housing one of the world’s most advanced libraries for biblical scholarship. You can find them online at tyndalehouse.com.
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