Many New Testament scholars argue that the Gospels were told orally for the better part of a century before they were finally written down, and as such, they tell us more about later Christian beliefs than they do the life of Jesus. Cambridge scholar Richard Bauckham has argued that this entire approach to Jesus research has officially reached a dead end and that the Gospels are rooted in reliable eyewitness testimony. Shane discusses these claims with Dr. Bauckham.
Recommended BooksJesus & The Eyewitnesses, Richard BauckhamJesus: A Very Short Introduction, Richard BauckhamThe Testimony of the Beloved Disciple, Richard BauckhamGospel Women, Richard BauckhamCan We Trust The Gospels?, Peter J. WilliamsTestimonies to the Truth, Lydia McGrew
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Other Related ResourcesIs John’s Gospel Late & Unreliable?, Humble Skeptic #51The Jesus of History, Humble Skeptic Ep. #12Faith Founded on Facts, Humble Skeptic Ep. #15Fake or Authentic?, Humble Skeptic Ep. #10Authenticating the Book of Acts, Humble Skeptic Ep. #24New Evidence for the Gospels, Peter J. Williams (video)Evidence for the Resurrection, Peter J. Williams (video)Are the Gospels Reliable?, Peter J. Williams & Bart Ehrman (video)
Upcoming Events• Shane will be speaking at the ReThink315 College Camp which will take place on the campus of St. Louis University, July 16-19, 2024.
• On Wed. Sept. 18th, Shane will discuss the question, “Is Faith Blind & Irrational?” at an event in Cedar City, Utah (more details coming soon).
• For more information, or to invite Shane Rosenthal to speak at your next event, send an email to: INFO at HUMBLESKEPTIC dot COM.
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