Most translations of the New Testament refer to Golgotha as “The Place of the Skull.” But is this correct? On this episode of The Humble Skeptic podcast, Shane Rosenthal talks with Egyptologist David Rohl about a variety of historical and textual clues that help us to better understand, not only the precise location of Golgotha, but also it’s meaning and significance.
SHOW NOTES• Recommended articles by Shane Rosenthal, “Where Was Jesus Crucified?,” “How to Detect Deception,” “Authenticating The Fourth Gospel,” “Why Should We Believe The Bible?,” “On Faith & History,” and “Did Palm Trees Grow in Jerusalem?”
• Recommended books by David Rohl, Exodus: Myth or History, and Legendary Kings: The Real Bible Unearthed (which is currently only available in Kindle format).
• To listen to Shane’s previous interviews with David Rohl, use the following links: “Questioning Conventional Wisdom Part 1” and “Part 2”, “Exodus, Myth or History?”, and “The Search for the Historical Joseph.”
• To find out more about the Joanna ossuary or the chiastic structure of Luke 24:1-12, check out some of the slides from Shane’s lecture: “Who is Joanna?” To read a journal article about the ossuary, click here. For further reading see: Gospel Women, by Richard Bauckham, and Who Are Joanna & Theophilus, by Richard Anderson.
• To read the Journal of the American Medical Association article, “On The Physical Death of Jesus Christ” click here.
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