Neeraj Mehta is the CEO at DigniFi, which offers quick and flexible financing for all kinds of vehicles. As an incredibly experienced leader, he has served at an executive level for multiple global brands such as GE and Synchrony. He was also the interim President and CEO for United Way.
Neeraj is an expert in finance, operations, risk, and sales performance, just to name a few. He is a member of the Advisory Board at Teach for America and an active partner of the Acumen Fund.
In this episode…To the average person, some leaders can feel unapproachable. There can exist a certain illusion that makes them seem above ordinary people. Much of this is driven by the pressure not to show any vulnerability or accept any setbacks. But, this is a dishonest view of leadership. Instead, Neeraj Mehta believes a true leader prioritizes serving over ruling.
Facing multiple problems and challenges in his career, Neeraj has continued to find success as an executive at accomplished organizations like GE and United Way. He has developed his own style over a long and fruitful career, finding new ways to connect with his employees and build a thriving culture. His approach has proven itself time and time again, and now, he’s here to explain it in detail.
In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack speaks with Neeraj Mehta, the CEO of DigniFi, to go over his career and his approach to leadership. They start with his own background and the challenges he faced early on in his work. They then discuss the importance of diversity, humility, and curiosity in the workplace. The two even take some time to go over Neeraj’s own methods of being intentional. Check out the full episode to hear all of this and more!