Sowmya Murthy is a business innovator, advocate for women in leadership, and the CMO and CCO at Seven Lakes Technologies. Along with their CEO, Sowmya has helped the company transition from a service-based business to a SaaS product enterprise. Sowmya and her team have received recognition for their work from notable firms like Frost & Sullivan.
Sowmya has developed her expertise in marketing and strategy across a laudable career, including her last position as the Head of Marketing at Unisys. She also helped create the JOYN SaaS brand, a platform that focuses on both in-field data capture and automation.
In this episode…Here’s a hard pill to swallow: true transformation and growth can’t be forced. Business after business falls into the trap that pushing employees harder will equate to success. While that extra push may be necessary in some cases, it is rarely the catalyst for real change. An effective workforce is made up of driven individuals who can handle responsibility.
Authentic change starts with freeing the employee from their mental limitations. There are many ways to accomplish this, but the end result should be unmistakable: a self-possessed person who can adapt to change and push their company forward. Cultivating these employees requires a leader to encourage and guide them in the right direction. And, it takes someone who has done it countless times before.
Dov Pollack sits down with Sowmya Murthy, the CMO and CCO of Seven Lakes Technologies, to see what it means to transform your business and your employees. They walk through what it means to “play small” and how to come into your own as a leader. Sowmya breaks down her strategies for working with young employees, leading a company in a new direction, and keeping your focus amidst chaos. Learn all of this and more on this episode of Next Wave Leadership.