Have you ever wondered if some factors make asthma worse in older adults? Find out what are the Top 7 reasons why asthma can be made worse indoors. Once you know what they are, you can do something about limiting risk. I also want to look at the relationship between the environment - and in particular temperature - and how this is linked to rates of hospital acquired bloodborne infections. The results for bacteria and fungi will no doubt surprise you. Also it's our 52nd show, so we've been doing these weekly LiveStreams for 1year. Check out all the back episodes on YouTube @drcameronjones or listen to the podcasts on iTunes or your favourite streaming service or go to www.TheMouldShow.com
TOP 7 Things Older People Should Be On The Lookout For To Reduce Their Levels Of Allergen Exposure:
1. Poor bathroom ventilation
2. No HEPA vacuum
3. Furry/feathered pets inside
4. Mould/moisture present
5. Dust
6. Pest/rodents
7. Cigarettes
Contrary to expectations: it was NOT warm and humid weather that had an impact on bloodstream infections it was warm and relatively dry weather which was associated.
Asthma among older people in Australia, Summary - Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. (2020). Retrieved 22 June 2020, from https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/chronic-respiratory-conditions/asthma-among-older-people-in-australia/contents/summary
Castner J, Barnett R, Moskos LH, Folz RJ, Polivka B. Home environment allergen exposure scale in older adult cohort with asthma [published online ahead of print, 2020 Jun 16]. Can J Public Health. 2020;10.17269/s41997-020-00335-0. doi:10.17269/s41997-020-00335-0
Schwab F, Gastmeier P, Hoffmann P, Meyer E. Summer, sun and sepsis-The influence of outside temperature on nosocomial bloodstream infections: A cohort study and review of the literature. PLoS One. 2020;15(6):e0234656. Published 2020 Jun 19. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234656
Hannam, P. (2020). Media data shows COVID-19 has stolen climate change's thunder. Retrieved 22 June 2020, from https://www.smh.com.au/environment/climate-change/media-data-shows-covid-19-has-stolen-climate-change-s-thunder-20200508-p54r6j.html