I believe there is a Spiritual war happening right now… . Every decision is important. Stay in the Light of Love.
In darkness , sometimes it's very challenging to stay in the light of love. Each second is sacred. Which are you aligning to? For every person who chooses love, that love frequency emits into the collective field. (and so does the opposite.)
Today's episode is a real conversation between friends. If you are new to the podcast welcome! And if you are a loyal listener, thank you for your excitement and patience with my Self Love + Sanctuary podcast launch. This episode will fill you in abit about where I've been and what I've been personally navigating. <3 As always, I believe that there is at least one of you who needs to hear the struggles that I have chosen to bounce back from after a little time away. 💖
Thankfulness for Eric and his kind words + wisdom shared on todays episode. I hope you enjoy and that pieces of our stories help you on your journey as well. <3
Special thanks to Rejuvenate Hope with Pulsors for sponsoring todays show!
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