Heaven on Earth. <3
Today, a solo show about abundance in all forms. May this solo chat help you see + feel the infinite blessings that are surrounding you, me, and all of us, at all times. (We just need to see clearly.)
This September, I was gifted the use of my friends beautiful + zen camper van. She said, "I want you to feel how free you actually are. You can go anywhere you like!"
Through this experience, I realized many things, including a new view on what it means to co-create with life to achieve abundance. To acquire success + abundance not just for yourself, but to share it with people who may not have the same opportunity.
We are creating a beautiful world by choosing our frequency + attraction point. What a magnificent life. In my oppinion, we are creating Heaven on earth by living from the heart space + clearing up any bit of resistance that keeps us from the magnitude of blessings that are here, just waiting for us to partake in + receive.
Resources shared in this episode:
Song - Chocolat - Sainte-Folie
Sponsor of todays show:
Eric Sénéchal from Rejuvenate Hope with Pulsars
(Thank you!!!)
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