If you are looking for love + happiness, remember it starts with you. This episode + it's teachings will bring you a whole lot of love, and an exploration of just how much love + happiness that you are open to receiving.
Uncover the depths of self love through spending time with your inner child. This week, I share a powerful healing that happened in my life since being guided to connect with the version of me from my past who still needs my love today.
YOU are worthy, deserving + enough. <3
Resource shared in the episode:
The 5 Life Areas from The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte
-Livelihood + Lifestyle
-Body + Wellness
-Creativity + Learning
-Relatoinships + Society
-Essence + Spirituality
Special Thanks to Karen Phytoplankton for sponsoring my podcast show.
Thank you for being a part of this community. I am so grateful for you!
Have a nice week! <3