"When we finally unlock our sexual energy, So much opens up in our world. Deeper love, connection, pleasure, abundance." ~Laura Mc Phee
Laura is a Joyful Goddess ~ Speaker, Healer, and Coach who supports coaches, healers, and heart-centered entrepreneurs to increase their impact, income & pleasure! She empowers female leaders to serve from an overflowing cup with joy, ease & lots of 0rgasms! Laura is a ThetaHealer, certified Er0tic Blueprint Coach, Master Reiki Practitioner, Trained in Accelerated Evolution, Tony Robbins Mastery University Grad, Claircognizant, Empath & Reflector.
I am honoured to have Laura on the show!
Bring something to write with as we dive into 'The Erotic Blueprints', their superpowers, and their shadows.
CONNECT with Laura!
Laura McPhee’s Instagram:
Pleasure & Prosperity Podcast:
Book Your Complimentary Pleasured & Prosperity Call:
Even More Pleasure Free Masterclass & Er0tic Blueprints Quiz:
Thank you to Karen Phytoplankton for sponsoring this podcast show. <3
TheKarenProject.ca to order the goodness. <3
Follow Steph on IG: @soullovehealing