Making decisions about your STUFF is so empowering + will show up in other areas of your life too. (Everything is energy!)
You deserve a life that feels good. Spacious, easeful, + surrounded by what you love , value + cherish.
If you are struggling with a space that feels out of alignment with your dreams, this talk is sure to help!
As Kim says in the episode, "Clutter is simply unmade decisions." And not making a decision IS a decision. : )
- Learn about common mistakes we make when trying to declutter on our own
-Hear Kims top tips + tricks
-Be inspired by the success stories of Kim's clients
And so much more!
If you are looking to work with Kim on a deeper level, find her offerings at + join her 'Clutter Busters' group on Facebook!
Access her free gift here:
"Your home is within your control. It should be the place where you escape all negative forces in the world. Your home should be the antidote to stress, not the cause." - Peter Walsh
This episode is brought to you by Karen Phytoplankton, Pure nutrition <3
Order yours today at
Say hello on IG:
Kim: @sneathkim
Karen Phytoplankton: @karenforgoodhealth
Steph: @soullovehealing