“Realize deeply that the NOW is all you have. Make the now the primary focus of your life.” - Eckhart Tolle 💕
Autumn is the season of change, and it is natures metaphor. The cycles of life, and the beauty in letting go.🍂✨🕯
This episode is a cup of comfort and is designed for you to relax into the coziness of autumn. Stories, ritual suggestions, soft piano + journaling prompts to get you feeling the power of appreciating the little things…. ✨It’s not what your doing, but how you are doing it that is the key….✨
So much gratitude for my #1 self care ritual + the sponsor of Happiness Rocks Podcast...
Karen Phyroplankton, a burst of vibrancy in one easy step. To order yours, head to TheKarenProject.ca 💚
Let's connect on Instagram!
Steph: @soullovehealing
Karen Phytoplankton: @karenforgoodhealth