Choices that are true to your heart, your soul and your entire being.
Even if it's what you've always done before, if it's out of alignment with your truth, may you feel inspired to step into the authentic you, today!!!!
No longer being tossed around + being affected by energies around you, may you appreciate and honour who you are + step into your power. Intentionally directing your energy + focus to your magnificent TRUTH. <3
It's incredible what living in alignment will do. It will magnetize so much satisfaction into your life, and you will be present + awesome for others too. <3
“The world is a giant pool of moving vibrations, waves of energy emitted from all beings. When we cultivate our minds, we cleanse our personal vibe. We reclaim our power by not yielding to what flows around us and by allowing what is within us to come forward. Remember, the energy you most often repeat is the energy you will most easily connect with. Your vibration is always shining and affecting your environment. “ ~ Yung Pueblo
My deepest gratitude to Karen Phytoplankton for sponsoring my show. Let's spread happiness + radiance all around the world!!!!
If you loved this episode, please give it a share, or come say hi on Instagram! Thank you for being here. : ) Sending you sooooo much love, 💖💖💖 Xox Steph