Jordan is a coach, singer, songwriter + musician. Although he lives a purpose driven, high vibrational life - this was not always the case. And this is WHY I invited him to be a guest on my podcast.
A note to my listeners:
If you are feeling so far away from happy, whether it be in health, relationships, self love, lifestyle, creativity, wish is for you to know and be inspired that you too can take control of your life. It's YOUR life.
This is a true story about seeing clearly, waking up, and breaking free. From the lowest of lows into a profound transformation, that stayed!
What his life used to look like:
Autopilot. overweight, depressed, bored, complacent, addicted and suffering from serious physical and mental health issues.
And then one day, he woke up.
"It was like a death. The old me died. I still kept parts of myself, but the old me died."
Are you ready to listen + be inspired? It doesn't matter how far you are from your best self today.... It can be as easy as setting yourself free with a clear decision to do so. I hope that hearing it from someone who's lost 115 lbs , + taken his life from negative to positive will help you BELIEVE + KNOW you can too.
Thank you to Jordan Best for being so real and open with us on todays show.
Thank you to Karen Phytoplankton for sponsoring Happiness Rocks Podcast. Give your body the nourishment it's craving in one easy step!
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Karen Phytoplankton:
'Set Yourself Free' - Before The Dinaosaurs
* Disclaimer, the use of psilocybin is used in this episode as a true part of Jordans story. We are not promoting the use of psilocybin.