This week, I tell my story + share the exact process of how I manifested my healing sanctuary by the ocean. (When I thought it was so out of reach.)
A vulnerable + true story of a powerful manifestation that came into my life on the pink moon weekend of 2022.
As you listen, I breakdown the pieces of how this all came to be.
1. I took ownership when I realized it was me who had been blocking my own blessings from finding me.
2. I started to feel WORTHY of my every desire.
3. I found the feeling of what I was seeking.
4. I found gratitude for blessings that I had previously taken for granted.
My deepest wish is for this episode to expand and inspire you to receive all of the good that wants to align with you.
“Feelings are magnetic. Each thought is a beacon that attracts a reality.” ~ Danielle Laporte
So much love to Karen Phyroplankton. I am blessed and honoured to share these shows.
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