An intentional morning is foundational to a successful, feel good day. This episode is designed for EVERYBODY. . . . Whether your schedule is full to the brim, or not. A powerful start doesn't have to take alot of time.... but it DOES take intention and a small but powerful commitment to show up for your life.
Being intentional at the beginning of each day is a success habit… In Stephen Covey's 'The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People,' Taking initiative, envisioning the life you want, prioritizing important over urgent, + practicing self - renewal are all success traits that work wonders first thing in the morning.
Bring your pencil + paper to this one, build your own morning routine by the end of this episode! The time is NOW! <3
It’s YOUR life, take up space. 💗
Resources shared in this episode:
The Miracle Morning - by Hal Elrod
The 5 AM Club - by Robin Sharma
The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People - by Stephen Covey
Morning Poem - by Mary Oliver
Thank you to Karen Phytoplankton for sponsoring this show + it's mission.
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