Even though Boris kissed him last time they met in person Joel Kelso agreed to come back on the Moto PG pod but with one caveat: it had to be on Zoom. Smart lad. And you should be glad he did agree because as always this chat with the Darwin born racer was both entertaining and enlightening. He's back in Moto 3 in 2024 and as you'll hear he's confident it will be a successful season which is great news for Australian motorcycle fans. So go and join Patreon or send us money by some other means and then press play and enjoy. You're welcome.
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And we would be really pleased if you bought Borrie’s books. They’re a great read, they make great gifts, and it helps him to feed his family. If he can feed his family he tends not to rob people. All four of his masterpieces are here (https://www.shocknawe.com.au/)…
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Moto PG 123: Rising Stars: The Return of the Ginger Ninja | MotoPG podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast