What's going on with Alex Marquez? Will the plague strike down the whole travelling circus? Are the boys racist? All these questions and more answered in Episode 23 of the world's favourite MotoGP podcast. Don't worry about the 'racism' controversy of last week, our sponsors are still on board and doing stuff to make your motorcycling life better. Velocity Vehicle Care still want Billy Van Eerde to be Australia's next Mick Doohan and they want to do it by making your bike shiny and clean. Buy some of their magic bike cleaning stuff by calling 1300 990 074 and tell them we sent you. Every dollar they raise goes to helping Billy chase his dream. If you can't afford a whole case of cleaner (the only way to get it at the moment) join our campaign to get it into as many shops as possible by heading to our Facebook Page and following the instructions there. Meanwhile, what's the point of a beautifully presented bike if the rider looks like shit? Don't be that person. Buy the best race suits and gloves going around from Held Australia and pay 30% less then the schmucks who don't listen to us. To get the special price you have to ring or email and mention MOTO PG. The phone number is 1300 916 916 or email info@mig.bike. To see the full range head to the Held Australia website. And while you're listening to Boris Tugg and Freido, visit the MOTO PG website where you can help make the team richer by buying something in the shop. Even better, make a regular contribution by signing up to the Patreon Pit Crew and getting access to bonus content and a bunch of other great stuff. What are you waiting for?