It's Fall Verhoeven on Rogues Gallery! This is the magical time of year where we revisit the films of Paul Verhoeven. And WOW is this one a doozy.
Showgirls was a critical and commercial failure when it was released in the fall of 1995, but the film found new life as a midnight movie and went on to become a cult favorite. So what's going on here? Is this so bad it's good? A misunderstood masterpiece? Or is it just as terrible as everyone seemed to think at the time? Let's find out.
Topics include: how the success of Basic Instinct allowed Verhoeven and screenwriter Joe Eszterhas to run wild with this project, the controversy over the NC-17 rating, the two opposing character arcs the script seems like it's trying to give its main character, the way Elizabeth Berkley's performance was singled out by critics and why none of that is really her fault, how certain audiences have reclaimed the film, the straight-to-video sequel, and much more!